General Terms and Conditions of Business

1.    Conclusion of a contract
1.1. With the booking the client (tenant) offers to the homeowner the binding        conclusion of a contract. As confirmation Holiday-Kiehle will send you a booking        confirmation
1.2. Up to the start of the holidays the tenant has the right to demand that a third        person replaces him concerning the rights and duties of the holiday home        contract. Holiday-Kiehle has the right to refuse the third person if this person        don't fulfil the special requirements of a stay in a holiday-home or if this is not in        accordance with the legal regulations. If a third person enters the holiday-home        contract, the tenant and the third person are liable as codebtors for the rent        towards Holiday-Kiehle.

2.    Payment
2.1. The rents are indicated as daily prices and in Euro
2.2. The prices are under reserve and depend on the price rises and the errata. The        rents published on the internet under "prices" are applied.
2.3. The minimum stay is 6 nights. A short stay is only after
       Consultation possible and cannot be guaranteed.
2.4. The Payment is made exclusively by bank transfer. The full payment is to be paid
       up to the 3rd day before arrival.
2.5. In case of early departure no reimbursement will be paid.

3.    The holiday-home Kiehle
3.1. The object rented by the tenant is the property of Holiday-Kiehle. Holiday-Kiehle        takes responsibility for the description, equipment and cleanliness only so far as        it is possible with constantly changing tenants.
3.2. The holiday-home is allowed to be lived in at the most by the number of        persons indicated in the description. A surplus of persons can be refused. The        move into the holiday-home is possible on the arrival day from 15.00pm on. The        leaving has to be made until 10.00am at the latest. Caravans and tents are only        permitted on the estate after prior written permission. The additional expenses        involved will be charged by 100 Euros per week for caravans and 50 Euros for a        tent. The building up of camping beds or other places to sleep in the
       holiday-home is not permitted. There is a ban on smoking in the whole
       holiday-home. The use of open light (candles etc) is not permitted for reasons of        fire safety. The tenant is responsible for the keeping clean of the rented        property. On departure of the tenant the rented property including the        inventoryhas to be left well-swept. The final cleaning will be made by
       Holiday-Kiehle. 15 Euros will be charged in this case. However the rented        property including the garden has to be cleared up and the dishes to be washed.
3.3. Electricity, water and heating are included in the rent. Telephone costs and local        updated health resort tax will be charged seperately.
3.4. The day of arrival the payment of the total rent has to be paid (see point 2.5).
3.5. The taking with of domestic animals is only permitted according to the agreement        and if this is noted explicitly in the booking confirmation. You can find the price of        one domestic animal per day under "prices". We expect a cleaning of the garden        and the house if it is perhaps necessary.
       The renter is required by the pet during his stay incurred damage to the cottage,        the Inventory, the surrounding property or persons. For pets accompanying the        landlord assumes no liability for any damage, such as dog bite. The freewheeling        leave accompanying pets on the property (outside of the house), is not liable for        any damage by the landlord. There is no claim to the sole use of the property. 3.6. The scale of the contractual services for the rented property results only from the        description of the services in the internet/catalogue. Subsidiary agreement        concerning the service description require the written confirmation of
3.7. Complaints have to be notified immediately or within 24 hours at the latest by        the tenant to the home-owner. The home-owner makes every effort to remedy        the defect within an adequate period. Later complaints will not be accepted by        the home-owner and can not give rise to compensation claims.
3.8. The home-owner is not liable for the tenant or persons travelling with the tenant        and Goods brought into the holiday-home by these persons. There is no        insurance in this Case.
3.9. The tenant is obliged to replace damages caused to the holiday-home and its        fixtures and fittings through his own fault or the fault of his companions or guests        during his stay.

4.    -

5.    -

6.    Rescission by the tenant (see also 1.2)
6.1. The tenant has the right to rescind the contract at any time until the start of the        tenancy by a written declaration addressed to Holiday-Kiehle. If the tenant        rescinds the contract or don't start the holiday stay, the tenant accepts at the        moment of his booking following flat claims of rescission fees towards
       Withdrawal up to the 60th day before the arrival day payment of 50% of the        rent, rescission up to the 20th day before the arrival day payment of 80%;        rescission from the 20th day on up to the arrival day 100% of the total costs of        the booked stay.

7.    Services not enlisted
7.1. If the tenant don't claim any services (e.g. early departure) the total price will not
       be reduced hereby. There is no claim for proportional reimbursement of the paid        deposit.
7.2  Also in case of reduction of quality of the holidays or of the rented property by        force majeure (bad weather or something similar) the landlord is not liable in        this case!

8.    Withdrawal and rescission by Holiday-Kiehle
8.1. If it is not possible to provide the holiday-home for reasons unjustifiable for        Holiday-Kiehle, e.g. if the holiday-home is uninhabitable caused by bigger        damages, the rent paid to Holiday-Kiehle will be reimbursed. A more extensive        right to recover damages or a compensation is excluded.
8.2. If the tenant don't fulfil his obligations to pay according to figure 2,
       Holiday-Kiehle will send a written reminder including the fixing of a time limit of        the payment and, if necessary, an option of cancellation, in this case the
       all-inclusive cancellation fees are valid according to figure 6.1.

9.    Final conditions

9.1. Persons from other countries have to apply, if necessary, for a visa on time froma        diplomatic institution. The tenant is himself responsible for observing these        regulations. No reimbursement can be derived from a lack of travelling        documents.
9.2. The invalidity of some regulations of the rent conditions and/or the tenancy agree
       ment don't affect the validity of the other regulations.
9.3. The tenant is obliged to handle with care the rented property together with        accessories and fixtures and fittings. He is liable for all damages caused by        himself or the accompanied persons. See also figure 3.2. The tenant is a joint        debtor for the rented property.
9.4. The tenancy agreement will be legally effective if it will be confirmed by a booking        confirmation of the tenant (Holiday-Kiehle).
9.5. Different and/or additional regulations require a written form.
9.6. The description in the internet, catalogues and telephone informations given by        Holiday-Kiehle will be made to the best of knowledge of Holiday-Kiehle but        without any guarantee.
       Addresss of the holiday-home: Ferienhaus-Kiehle, Oberdorfweg 3,
       01855  Hinterhermsdorf

Appendix: Moving into our holiday-home, you recognize entirely our latest valid house rules.

Data protection:
If there is a possiblity to enter personal or business data (e-mail addresses, names, addresses), the release of these data on the part of the user will take place on a particularly voluntary basis. The use of all offered services is permitted - provided it is technically possible and reasonable - also without indication of those data or rather by indicating anonymous data or a pseudonym. The use of contact data as postal addresses, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail addresses, published in the imprint or similar data, by a third person to send informations not explicitly requested, is not permitted. Legal proceedings against the sender of so-called spam-mails in case of infringement of this prohibition are explicitly reserved. We can't guarantee that informations or personal data sent to us, will not be "listened" on the transmission.
